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Also to update my life. We have our own kid now. So surreal. So unbelievable. Nazmi

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Wow. My last post was about a new government in Malaysia. Today, also a new government was formed in February, which is Perikatan Nasional. Disappointed on how it went. Also now, the world is facing a new pandemic - Covid19, which was originated in China. Malaysia Government has enforced Movement Control Order or Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. So everyone needs to stay at home. Work From Home

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Photo credit to https://twitter.com/aafaizli/status/994297996081704960 New Malaysia. Malaysia Baharu. 9th May 2018, 82% of Malaysians cast their votes. 10th May 2018, Malaysia has chosen to have a new government to steer their country. Proud to live this day to see this change. Let's see what new government have. Until next election comes in 5 years time. Nazmi

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