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By  Nazmi     07:38    Labels:, 
The terms I learned from this past 2 nights

1) Establish - setting out
2) Float - Movement of the camera from a point to another
3) Gel - The lutsinar warna kertas
4) Insert - Inserting scenes

And things I saw and learned

1) Total complete silence when shooting
2) Lightings were established outside of the building to give some lighting effects for inside
3) Work rate cannot be too slow
4) Write down the minutes of the scene
5) Lack of sleep and rest could lead you have Minor Stroke
6) Art Director will not stop moving the decoration
7) If you want to involve kid(s) as actor/actress, please choose the one with hyper-active because...
8) One scene will take for about 2, 3 hours to finish.

Last weekend, I was following Emi shooting his short film for his final project. And he was sooooo different when working. He's an Assistant Director for the film and I always see him do his and other people's work. His work ethics are very good. Well done Emi.

I would love to watch the short film. Walaupun kau cakap macam 'kiok' and kelam-kabut.


About Nazmi

Just my blog.
I write my personal experience.
Nothing wrong with it, right?

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