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By  Nazmi     10:56    Labels:,, 

As you all know, I already have a Holga 135, my precious Gaga. But think of selling her to generate money for other camera(s). Hehe.

Here I'm listing the lomo cameras I want to experiment on:

1) Holga 135 TIM (Twin Image Maker)

It is more worth to buy this camera than ordinary Holga 135 because you can switch from full frame to half frame! The time I bought Gaga, TIM was not in the market yet.

2) Golden Half

I'm attracted to this camera because of it's cute-ness. Yeah. It is cute and comes with many different patterns and colours. It can capture half-frame pictures.

3) Blackbird, Fly

This is a TLR (Twin Lens Reflex) camera. Can take 3 different choice of frames. A bit expensive but kind of fun to use.

4) Spinner 360

This camera just recently released in USA and Japan, and not sure when the camera will release in Malaysia. This camera can capture 360 degree of exposure.

So does anyone want to give me these stuff as my birthday gift? Hehe
I love lomo. Lomo on!


About Nazmi

Just my blog.
I write my personal experience.
Nothing wrong with it, right?

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