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By  Nazmi     17:03    Labels:, 
So I stumbled upon a job on the internet, my University's student portal to be exact. This job require you, as a shopper, or rather an eating machine who will not muak eating the same thing over and over again, to make a comment or survey on the shop you are assigned to. They are gonna pay you according to the price of the task given. (Not really high though) You have to search the task in their website. Registration required.

So I did that once, last Saturday. It was okay. And met the company's representative after I did the survey and all.

I was thinking, that I will always get to eat free meal by doing this work because they will pay me the food (by claiming from them, of course). BUT, the thing is, their client, so far I searched on their Job Search, have only 3 clients - 2 fast food company and a petrol station company. I don't care much of the petrol station but 2 fast food? ONLY? I will get tired eating their products every month!

I don't know whether to do this till my student days are over.. I don't know. We'll see until I get the first pay.


About Nazmi

Just my blog.
I write my personal experience.
Nothing wrong with it, right?

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