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By  Nazmi     07:46    Labels:,, 

So I went back to Liverpool and help out my fiance with her thesis project since last Thursday. It was fun, with a tonnes of eye bags. We had a sleepless nights, but I did get a 4 hours mandatory sleep after 6 in the morning. Then went back to studio by afternoon. In between day and night, I did what architecture students do - sleep on the table in the studio.

My back got hurt when I cut the models for hours. Plus I slept on the table so my neck position was not comfortable.

So to the people who want to take architecture, this course is tiring. Your presentation will only lasts 10 to 20 minutes but the process is really painful. If your partner is in architecture, please understand the nature of the industry. For me I can understand them because I am in the same field as them. But getting hands on with them, it was an experience that I'm amazed.

One more thing, if you wish to further your studies in architecture outside Malaysia and want to go back to work in Malaysia after your studies, you need to keep your portfolios and take exams with Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia because the foreign universities are not accredited by them apart from a few top universities, cant remember which unis. I was briefed during LAM's visit to my University early this year. You can check it out here http://www.lam.gov.my/accreditation/list-of-recognised-programmes. The list may change after period of time. Whoever soon to be graduated in 2018 should be lucky to be able pursue working experience in Malaysia.


Ugh my back hurt again!


About Nazmi

Just my blog.
I write my personal experience.
Nothing wrong with it, right?

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