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By  Nazmi     06:59    Labels:,, 

Have been using Gorilla grip octopus tripod for few months now. Well I use it whenever I skate. Bought this for £3.79 from Amazon. Here's the link https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00V3CNHA4

Currently I'm using it with SJCAM. You need to have the frame to hold the camera and screw it on the tripod. Luckily SJCAM provided a lot of accessories. The screw at the top need to glued because if not the camera won't stay still. I think that's the only shortcoming of the tripod. The tripod can bend and hold onto most of the surface. I even hang it at the side of rail. The material of the base of the tripod is rubber so it won't slip. I think it will be harder if the rubber worn out.

I really like this tripod. So far there's no damage maybe because I'm not such a heavy user. Luckily this is cheap enough for me to buy.


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I write my personal experience.
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